A major fire broke out in the ink factory of Kasturi Estates Private Limited at Maraimalai Nagar on Thursday. None of the employees were injured, but property was damaged.
According to police sources, a fire broke out at the kettle unit of the factory where resin and oil is mixed in the process of preparing printing ink. They said a fire broke out at around 4.30 p.m. and it spread to nearby godown where resin barrels were stored. The employees working in the kettle unit immediately rushed out and attempted to put off the flames, but in vain. The fire service personnel used aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) to put out the flames.
The Deputy Director of Fire and Rescue Services, Meenakshi Vijayakumar, who personally supervised the entire operation, said since the fire reportedly emanated from the resins, it was decided that AFFF would be the best medium to control it.
Five fire engines and more than a dozen water tankers from Fire and Rescue Services and a few more private water tanker lorries were deployed for over two-and-a-half hours to extinguish the fire.
The fire was under control by 7 p.m. and as the employees moved out to a safe distance, no casualties were reported.
Published - June 05, 2015 12:00 am IST