Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, on Friday, June 21, 2024 said the State government would meet the educational expenses and hostel fees of all children, who have lost either one or both of their parents to the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy, until they graduated.
Responding to a calling attention motion in the Legislative Assembly, the Chief Minister said besides the ₹10 lakh solatium that has already been announced, the government would offer ₹5,000 per month to children who have been orphaned.
“Moreover, the government will also deposit ₹5 lakh under the names of these children and this sum, along with the interest, will be given to them when they turn 18. In the case of children who have lost one of their parents, the sum will be ₹3 lakh. These children will also get priority in all government schemes,” he said.
The Chief Minister said if the children were willing, they would be admitted to government-run homes or homes functioning with government aid.
Over 14,000 cases filed over spurious liquor since 2021: CM
Reiterating that the government was taking stringent action against those involved in illicit brewing and they have been arrested under the Goondas Act, the Chief Minister said a total of 14,606 cases against the manufacture and sale of spurious liquor have been filed since the DMK government had come to power. “A total of 10,154 persons have been arrested and 58 of them have been detained under the Goondas Act,” he said.
Mr. Stalin also alleged that the methanol used in Kallakurichi to produce the hooch was brought from Puducherry.
Earlier, participating in the debate, PMK floor leader G.K. Mani demanded closure of TASMAC liquor shops. He claimed the DMK had also made a promise in this regard in its election manifesto.