Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, on Thursday, June 20, 2024, constituted a one-man commission headed by Justice B. Gokuldas, former High Court judge, to conduct a thorough inquiry into the hooch tragedy in Kallakurichi that has claimed the lives of 34 persons so far.
In a statement, Mr Stalin said the former judge would submit his recommendations to the government in three months.
“The commission will probe the incident and all the factors that led to the tragedy and suggest measures to prevent such incidents in the future,” the Chief Minister said.
Mr Stalin has already ordered the transfer of the investigation into the criminal case to the CB-CID. He said the Home Secretary and Director General of Police would visit the district and submit a report to the government in a couple of days.
The Chief Minister also announced a solatium of ₹10 lakh each to the families of the deceased and ₹50,000 for those who were being treated.
“I have ordered the arrest of all those who brewed illicit liquor and sold methanol. I have ordered the destruction of the methanol seized by the police. The police will also find out the source of methanol,” he added in the statement.
Published - June 20, 2024 11:48 am IST