Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Monday held the PMK and Vanniyar Sangam responsible for the violent incidents near Marakkanam and alleged that the organisers of the Chitra Pournami festival at Mamallapuram threw to the winds the undertakings they had given to the police, and violated the law.
She warned that her government would not tolerate violence, would take stringent action and show no mercy to those who instigated innocent people on communal lines for their selfish agenda.
Ten cases had been filed in Villupuram and Kancheepuram districts and legal action would be taken against the culprits.
Replying to a special mention made by the Opposition in the Assembly on the Marakkanam violence, the Chief Minister said she would invoke preventive detention laws against those who disturb harmony and peace in society.
Vanniyar Sangam leader and Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) floor leader Kaduvetti J. Guru, who had earlier avoided attending the current session of the House, was present in the Assembly on Monday to express his view. But many of his remarks were expunged.
Violence broke out on April 25, the day the PMK and Vanniyar Sangam organised a youth festival in Mamallapuram.
Besides announcing Rs. 25,000 each to the families of three persons who died in the incidents and Rs. 10,000 each for those who were treated as outpatients, Ms. Jayalalithaa said green houses would be constructed for Dalits whose houses were burnt by the violent mob.
Ms. Jayalalithaa said though the organisers were told to end the meeting by 10 pm, PMK founder S. Ramadoss addressed the gathering at 11.30 p.m.
“He declared that he has started at 11.30 (p.m.) and dared the police to file a case against him. His request has been accepted and we have filed a case. I hope he will be ready to face the punishment.”
Ms. Jayalalithaa wondered how Dr. Ramadoss could guide the youth when there were posters in praise of sandalwood smuggler Veerappan and most of the participants were in an inebriated condition.
“Does he want the youth to follow Veerappan? On the one hand, he is demanding total prohibition. But majority of the youths who attended the festival were in drunken mood,” she said.
The Chief Minister alleged that the ancient monuments in Mamallapuram were also not spared by the participants and the government had received a report from the Superintending Archaeologist (of the Archaeological Survey of India).
“Lakhs of people had swarmed inside the monument, damaged the fencing, lawn and garden, and climbed the historical monument to hoist some flags. The monument has been exposed to vandalism and destruction,” she quoted the archaeologist as saying.
Published - April 29, 2013 03:13 pm IST