A special police team of Tamil Nadu’s Crime Branch Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) has been sent to northern States in search of absconding former AIADMK Transport Minister M.R. Vijayabhaskar, in relation to a land grabbing case filed in Karur.
The Karur town police had registered a case against seven persons, most of them belonging to Karur, on a complaint lodged by Mohamed Abdul Kadhar, the Sub Registrar (In-Charge), on June 9, 2024. In his complaint, Mr. Kadhar had said that the seven individuals had cheated him with forged documents to register a plot of land. He said he had only later come to know that one of the documents was forged. When he questioned them, they threatened him with dire consequences, he said.
The District Sessions Court in Karur, had, on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, dismissed an anticipatory bail moved by Mr. Vijayabaskar in the alleged land grab case. Mr. Vijayabaskar had moved the anticipatory bail plea on June 12, fearing that his name might be included as an accused person in the case. After hearing arguments from both sides, the Court had dismissed Mr. Vijayabaskar’s plea. Since he moved the petition, Mr. Vijayabaskar has not appeared in public functions.
A senior police officer said the former Minister has since been absconding. The land that has allegedly been grabbed is worth more than ₹100 crore, the officer said. The case was originally at the Karur Taluk police station and was later transferred to the CB-CID.
A special police team is searching for the AIADMK leader who is believed to have left his hometown and gone into hiding in a State in the north.
Published - June 26, 2024 11:39 am IST