Bharatiya Janata Party’s Tamil Nadu president K. Annamalai on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, said it is shocking that within three years of coming to power in the State, the ruling DMK government has effected manifold increase in property tax, water charges, prices of milk products, stamp duty, and electricity charges by burdening the common people.
In a social media post on X, Mr. Annamalai said the Tamil Nadu government had purchased electricity for ₹65,000 crore in the financial year 2023-24. He alleged the State government, without taking any measures to increase electricity generation, has transferred the cost of electricity purchase on consumers.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Tariff Hike
“While many States have taken steps to increase electricity generation by harnessing solar energy, the DMK government continues to increase the quantum of electricity purchase, instead of focussing on electricity generation. This will eventually lead to frequent revision of electricity tariff. The DMK’s Dravidian model of government lacks even basic knowledge in adminstration,” he said.
He also questioned why the government has not yet implemented its poll promise of monthly billing of electricity charges and installation of smart meters. He urged the government to immediately withdraw the hike in electricity tariff and take measures to increase electricity generation by utilising solar energy and implement monthly billing of electricity charges.
Tamil Manila Congress (Moopanar) president G.K. Vasan, in a statement, said the increase in electricity charges will eventually lead to rise in prices of essential commodities and burden common people. He said the electricity tariff hike will also affect industrial sector and demanded its withdrawal.