Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam, in a letter to his counter part in Andhra Pradesh, said he was distressed to learn that many of the persons who were shot dead by the police in Andhra Pradesh were reportedly from Tiruvannamalai and Vellore districts.
The Tamil Nadu government is yet to know the details of the number of persons from the State shot dead by the special task force personnel of Andhra Pradesh in Sesachala forests near Tirpuati.
The letter said the occurrence of such high casualties in the operation by the Red Sanders Anti-Smuggling Force (RSASTF) raises concerns whether the task force personnel had acted with adequate restraint.
Mr. Panneerselvam requested his Andhra Pradesh counterpart to order a credible and speedy enquiry into the matter so that the facts are established and responsibility fixed for possible human rights violations.
"In case of any human rights violations, it is essential that action is taken against those who caused the deaths and appropriate compensation is paid to the families of the victims,” Mr. Panneerselvam demanded.