Actor Kamal Haasan on Saturday took potshots at the new leadership in Tamil Nadu, saying the State now has another Chief Minister and dubbed the political developments “Jai de-mockcrazy”.
The Edappadi K Palaniswami government won the confidence vote in the Tamil Nadu Assembly comfortably.
The vote was preceded by eviction of principal Opposition DMK and walkout by its allies, which have 98 legislators in the 234-member House, in protest.
Taking to Twitter, Mr. Haasan wrote, “People of Tamizhnadu, Welcome your respective MLAs with the respect they desrve back home”
He then took a dig at the decision, saying, “There you go. Seems like we have another CM. Jai de-mockcrazy.”
In another tweet, he reacted to the MLAs behaviour in the Assembly, saying, “I’ve seen MLAs of the then ADMK now Congress walk away with bunch of plucked microphones. The English TV anchors were too young to remember. We do.”
Published - February 18, 2017 07:22 pm IST