Board of Control for Cricket in India vice-president Shivlal Yadav said on Wednesday that BCCI chief N. Srinivasan would take a final call only after making a “comprehensive study” of the Supreme Court’s observations with the help of legal counsel.
“Yes, we did discuss the latest developments, and it was clear Mr. Srinivasan would make optimum use of the two days’ time before taking a decision on the need to quit his post to ensure an impartial inquiry into the match-fixing controversy,” Mr. Yadav said.
“I am not saying that he will not resign but only making it clear that any decision by Mr. Srinivasan would be [made] only after a thorough discussion on the Supreme Court observations,” he pointed out.
The BCCI and Mr. Srinivasan are exploring legal options while gearing up for the Supreme Court’s directives on March 27. The court had expressed anguish at the goings on in the Indian Premier League (IPL) and observed that Mr. Srinivasan must step down to ensure a fair inquiry.
According to some BCCI officials, Mr. Srinivasan was unwilling to throw in the towel since he believed he had done nothing wrong.
Meanwhile, former BCCI president Shashank Manohar said Mr. Srinivasan should resign to facilitate a fair probe. He also demanded that all IPL games be investigated and the 2014 edition be suspended.
During the day, BCCI attorney P.S. Raman met Mr. Srinivasan, who underwent a cataract surgery on Wednesday, at his residence. Queried about the meeting, Mr. Raman said it was a courtesy call.
There were indications that Mr. Srinivasan was weighing the pros and the cons of his next move with his legal team, BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel and close aides. Mr. Patel will fly to Chennai on Thursday for a meeting with Mr. Srinivasan.
( Additional reporting by V.V. Subrahmanyam in Hyderabad )
Published - March 26, 2014 11:19 pm IST