BJP leader Arun Jaitley on Wednesday said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s “defensive posture” was a sign of his concern over the growing popularity of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Reacting to Dr. Singh’s call to all “secular parties” to unite against the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate, Mr. Jaitley said any party that joined hands with the Congress would sink along with it.
Mr. Jaitley urged all parties to come together to fight against the “corrupt, inept” UPA government.
“The Prime Minister is adopting a defensive posture. He can sense the challenge from Modi. He is apprehensive,” he said. The BJP leader reiterated that the 2014 Lok Sabha elections would not be based on “arithmetic” — a pre-poll analysis of which party was likely to get how many seats — but about the “changed chemistry on the ground”.
Published - October 03, 2013 02:02 am IST