The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday said even though Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is an excellent Prime Minister candidate, decision on the party’s nominee for the top post will be taken in 2014.
“Wait till 2014. You will get a good prime ministerial candidate,” BJP national general secretary Venkaiah Naidu said at a press conference in Mumbai.
He said Mr. Modi is good PM material but there has to be discussion in the party first. “As and when we decide, it will be made public,” he said.
When asked about Anna Hazare’s criticism of L.K. Advani’s yatra, Mr. Naidu said it is the party’s programme and not Mr. Hazare’s. “He is apolitical man and does not like politicians. What can we do,” he asked.
The yatra, to begin next month, will cover all important States and will conclude on November 19.
Published - September 15, 2011 06:48 pm IST