Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Sushmita Dev was on Monday elected unopposed to the Rajya Sabha from West Bengal. There was no other nominee for the seat and she was announced the winner. The BJP had decided not to field any candidate against her. Election for the seat was scheduled on October 4.
The election to the seat was necessitated by the resignation of TMC’s Manas Ranjan Bhunia, who won the Assembly polls and is a Minister in the Mamata Banerjee Cabinet.
“I will try to raise the issue of Northeast from Assam and Tripura in the Rajya Sabha. Whatever instructions I get from the party, I will raise that in the House,” Ms. Dev told journalists after collecting the certificate of election from the Assembly.
Ms. Dev, a former All India Mahila Congress chief, switched over to the TMC from the Congress in August last. Days after her defection, she was nominated to the Upper House by the TMC. Daughter of former Union Minister and Congress veteran late Santosh Mohan Dev, Ms. Dev is a former Lok Sabha member from Assam’s Silchar.
Published - September 27, 2021 08:23 pm IST