A special CBI court on Tuesday remanded former U.P. Minister Babu Singh Kushwaha and former BSP MLA Ram Pratap Jaiswal in judicial custody for 14 days in the multi-crore NRHM scam in the State.
The two politicians, arrested on March 3, were produced in the CBI court after the 10 days custody with the CBI.
The agency sought the extension of their custody for another four days. However, the plea was turned down by the CBI court, which remanded the duo in 14 days judicial custody.
The court also declined a CBI plea for the custody of another accused Saurabh Jain, who too had been produced before the court after the expiry of his police remand.
Mr. Kushwaha and Mr. Jaiswal were later taken to Dasna district jail.
Dasna district jail Superintendent Viresh Raj Sharma said Mr. Kushwaha and Mr. Jaiswal will be lodged in the high security barrack number 7A, where other accused in the scam are also kept.
Published - March 13, 2012 04:47 pm IST