Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar reiterated that considering the time needed for GST to stabilise, the Goa government will take a lenient view of any lapses and violations in the implementation of the GST by local traders in the initial 3-4 months and would not consider them as serious offences.
Addressing a function of chartered accountants over GST Helpdesk, Mr. Parrikar said on Saturday evening that despite likely teething problems, the GST would make items for daily consumption cheaper for the consumer with a simplified and smooth tax structure for the traders and businesses. He told businessmen and traders not to fear of penalties and fines in the initial months.
He exuded confidence that the GST era would have a strong positive economic effect on Goa, especially as it was a high consumption State, with a lot of tourists and the GST being a destination-based consumption tax.
“GST regime ultimately will result in reduction of prices of most items and State's revenue will grow by at least 25-30 % in 2017-18 itself,” he stated.
Published - July 02, 2017 02:24 pm IST