On Monday morning, BKU general secretary Yudhvir Singh tweeted a video of a villager announcing the call for a panchayat by beating the drum attached to the carrier of his bicycle. “Can the suspension of internet service stop this as well?” asked Mr. Singh.
He was proved right as thousands of farmers turned up for the panchayat in Bijnor despite pressure from the administration.
“You can’t stop the flood of people. The administration tried it in Baraut on Sunday but had to regret eventually,” said Mr. Singh. “It is just a start. We will expose the laws across the country.”
The panchayat was attended by RLD leader Jayant Chaudhary and Gaurav Tikait, son of BKU president Naresh Tikait.
Mr. Chaudhary said the panchayats have shown light after darkness enveloped every farmer’s house after the Ghazipur incident on Thursday. “Ajit Singh (RLD president) made a start and today’s show of strength is its example.”
The good thing, he said, was people were reaching these panchayats on their own accord after spending their money on travel. “The farmers in western U.P. have woken up and they want the government to accept their demands.”
He said the government should accede to people’s demands as it is expected in a democracy. “I appeal to the Prime Minister to step back and give up on his adamant stance.”
Mr. Singh said there was nothing in the Budget that can explain the government’s promise of doubling farmers’ income. “There is no concrete plan to improve the condition of farmers when the cost of farming keeps rising. Most of the provisions go to agro-industries,” he said.
Earlier, the Bijnor administration made massive arrangements for the panchayat with four ASPs, eight DSPs, 22 SHOs and 600 constables on the ground, besides fours companies of the PAC were pressed into service. Ramit Sharma, IG Moradabad, also camped in Bijnor.
Published - February 02, 2021 01:00 am IST