At least 8 lakh people paid their tributes on Wednesday at the “Jaystambh” (victory pillar) in Perne village in Pune district of Maharashtra on the occasion of the 202nd anniversary of the Bhima- Koregaon battle amidst tight security, said police officials.
No untoward incident was reported throughout the day.
Violent protests erupted on the occasion on January 1, 2018.
Heavy security
This year, besides the 5,000 policemen of the district police force, 1500 Home Guards and 12-15 SRPF companies were deployed on the occasion, taking the total force manning the crowds up to 10,000 personnel.
Earlier in the day, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi (VBA) president Prakash Ambedkar, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale and several other leaders visited the ‘Jay Stambh’.
Mr. Ambedkar claimed that certain people, who were attempting to politicise the Bhima-Koregaon battle celebrations, had intended to spark riots this time as well, but the move was foiled by his party along with the parties of the newly established Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi government.
“Due to the transformed political scenario today, the people who were behind the 2018 riots and who were shielded by the then government, find themselves in a position when that government [erstwhile BJP] government is no longer in power,” Mr. Ambedkar said.
Speaking to reporters after visiting the victory pillar, Mr. Pawar said: “This pillar has a rich history and every year lakhs of people come here ... Some untoward incidents marred the celebrations two years ago, but the present government is taking utmost care and a massive security deployment is in place to prevent any law and order situation.”
Long history
The Bhima Koregaon obelisk is dedicated to the Mahar soldiers who fought against the Peshwa forces in the 1818 battle.
While the outcome of the battle was inconclusive, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s visit to there on January 1, 1927 , revitalised its memory for the Dalit community, making it a rallying point and an assertion of pride.
(With PTI inputs)