The CBI has registered yet another case in connection with the ₹25,000-crore Roshni land scam , pursuant to the Jammu and Kashmir High Court order to probe the alleged involvement of public servants and others in grabbing government land.
The order had noted that during verification, records of a few randomly selected cases were examined and it was found that the Revenue Department, Jammu, officials had extended favours to the illegal occupants in vesting the ownership rights. They did not keep a proper record of possession.
Also read | J&K government declares Roshni Act ‘null and void’
The payment rates were not fixed by the Price Fixation Committee as per rules, and in many cases, the money was not remitted to the exchequer. The illegal occupants were not evicted and the land parcels in question were not put up for auction.
The CBI had registered three separate cases related to the scam. Earlier this month, the Jammu and Kashmir State Land (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Act , also known as the Roshni Act, was declared null and void, after the court termed it unconstitutional and unsustainable.
Also read | Now, outsiders can buy land in Jammu and Kashmir