The Bihar government on Sunday said it would provide ₹1,500 each month to those children who have lost their parents to COVID-19 in the State. The children will get the financial assistance till the age of 18 and will be housed in State child care centres.
“Those children who have lost their both parents or, at least one parent has died due to corona, the State government will provide them ₹1,500 each month till the age of 18 under Bal Sahayta Yojna [child help programme]. Those children who have lost their parents will be taken care of in child care centres and the orphaned girls will get admission in Kasturba Gandhi Balika residential schools on priority basis,” tweeted Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Sunday.
Earlier, the Supreme Court had directed the State governments to identify such children and take steps to help them. On Saturday, the Centre had announced a scheme for such children from PM-CARES fund.
The Bihar Social Welfare Department said 48 children have lost both parents while 1,486 have lost one of their parents. The Pradesh Congress Committee too has come out with a proposal to financially assist such children. PCC president Madan Mohan Jha said such children could approach the party through 0612-2262334 with valid documents and get enrolled for the scheme.
Published - May 30, 2021 08:05 pm IST