The Uttar Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights has asked all District Magistrates and police heads in the State to submit a report providing details of persons who allegedly used minors and teenagers as a “shield” during the violence that took place in the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act.
In a letter to the DMs and SPs in U.P., UPSCPCR chairperson Vishesh Gupta alleged that in the recent protests, students, minors and teenagers were used a “shield” to give a “violent shape” to the protest.
“Misleading children and minors to participate in violent protests in an organised manner is a violation of child rights,” said Mr. Gupta in a letter dated January 2.
The chairperson has asked the administration to submit a report within 10 days and demanded action against those who used minors as “shield.”
This comes amid allegations against the State police that it beat up children, minors and students, and even detained several of them across the State. The accusations of police excesses, however, do not find a mention in the UPSCPCR letter.
Published - January 04, 2020 12:01 pm IST