Rashtriya Janata Dal (JD) chief Lalu Prasad on Monday said the Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS) were compelled to change their uniform because of one “logically forceful” statement from Rabri Devi. The former Bihar chief minister and Mr Prasad’s wife, Rabri Devi, though welcomed RSS’s move to wear trousers rather than shorts.“Rabri Deviji ke ek tarkpurna aakramak bayan ne matra 2-mahine mein RSS ko half-pant se full-pant karne per majboor kar diya (one logically forceful statement of Rabri Devi-ji compelled the >RSS to wear full length trousers from half-pants in just two months ) ”, tweeted Mr. Prasad on Monday.
He was referring to Ms Rabri’s statement on January 18 where she had taken a dig at the RSS while addressing party leaders at RJD’s national convention in Patna. Ms Rabri had said, “In the RSS even the elder persons wear half pants in public and they do not feel shy of it.” The statement had then sparked criticism from State BJP leaders, who said, “She is a woman with mindset of 19th century”.
When journalists reached Ms Rabri Devi on Monday for her reaction to the change in the RSS dress code, she said she welcomed the move.
Bihar’s ruling coalition partner JD(U) too has supported Lalu’s jibe at the RSS saying “merely turning to trousers will not modernise the right wing organisation”.
“We fully support Lalu-ji that if they (RSS) don't change their mentality, it is better to be in half-pants…merely turning to trousers will not turn the RSS into a modern organisation…they’ve to change their mentality, their thinking, and have to act in today's terms,” said JD(U) spokesperson, Dr Ajay Alok.
Published - March 14, 2016 05:47 pm IST