The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is poised to win 235 seats on its own in the Lok Sabha election, predict NDTV exit poll results unveiled on Wednesday evening. Adding the party seats and the tally of its pre-election allies, the National Democratic Alliance will win a majority with 279 Lok Sabha seats, it adds.
As other exit polls, the NDTV results tip the BJP to outperform the Congress in most of the bigger States, bagging 56 seats in Uttar Pradesh, 24 in Madhya Pradesh, 22 in Gujarat and 21 in Rajasthan. The alliance gets 22 in Bihar and 34 in Maharashtra.
In the South, the BJP’s biggest haul is from Karnataka — 16 seats. While the party draws a blank in Kerala and gets two seats in Tamil Nadu, the decision to ally with the Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh will see the alliance get 13 seats in the State.
Published - May 15, 2014 02:02 am IST