Former Union Minister Bhagwat Karad on July 29 said Marathas must not be given quota under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) segment. Mr. Karad, a Rajya Sabha MP, said the Bharatiya Janata Party's stand on not diluting OBC quota is very clear.
Maharashtra’s latest Maratha quota law and its challenges | Explained
"The 10% quota given to Marathas by the Maharashtra government will stand legal scrutiny. As an OBC, I oppose extending benefits of OBC quota to the Maratha community," he told reporters.
Maratha quota activist Manoj Jarange has been leading a stir seeking reservations for Marathas under the OBC segment after giving them Kunbi certificates. This has been vehemently opposed by OBC outfits.
Published - July 29, 2024 11:56 am IST