The Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena held a meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2024, to discuss how to publicise the welfare measures announced by the State government ahead of the upcoming Assembly polls in October.
The meeting, chaired by Mr. Shinde, was held at Varsha, the CM’s official residence in south Mumbai, and was attended by State Ministers, senior functionaries and legislators.
Party leader Krishna Hegde said deliberations focused on how to strengthen the ruling Mahayuti alliance by propagating the welfare measures announced by the government, including schemes like ‘Majhi Ladki Bahin’, a job training, a stipend programme for youths, the free LPG cylinder scheme, and iniatives for senior citizens.
He added that party observers will be announced for all 288 Assembly constituencies to help people avail the benefits under these schemes.
State benefits
Under the ‘Majhi Ladki Bahin’ scheme, eligible women in the 21-60 age group will get a monthly allowance of ₹1,500, while under the stipend scheme, eligible individuals will receive money from the State government during on-job industrial training.