Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole on Wednesday (September 4, 2024) alleged that only ₹1.5 crore of the allocated ₹236 crore was spent on the construction of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj statue in Sindhudurg district. The statue collapsed on August 26, just eight months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled it. Responding to Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s remark that the Opposition was politicising the matter, Mr. Patole said that expressing anger over “the insult to Shivaji Maharaj” and the sexual assault of two girls at a Badlapur school was not politicisation.
Meanwhile, AICC in-charge for Maharashtra Ramesh Chennithala has said that the law and order situation under the Mahayuti government is collapsing. Speaking in Pune ahead of the party’s constituency review meeting for the upcoming State Assembly elections, Mr. Chennithala said, “Every day, we hear of murders and sexual assault on women and children. In Pune alone, two murders were reported recently, indicating that the law and order situation has completely collapsed.”
He also said the State government was indifferent to people’s plight and was instead focussed on devising scams.
Published - September 05, 2024 02:20 am IST