A geriatric department will be launched in the government sector for the first time at the Government Medical College Hospital (MCH) in the State capital, Minister for Health Veena George has said.
Posts of a Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor each and two senior residents had been created for this.
Kerala had the highest lifespan among all States. High standards of living, quality health services, and social security all contributed to a long lifespan. Special care and treatment were needed to address the health problems of the elderly. The State gave a lot of importance to the protection of the elderly and palliative care as part of the Aardram project.
Geriatric clinics
Steps had also been taken to start geriatric clinics in hospitals. Simultaneously, a geriatric department would be started at the government MCH here. It would pave the way for an MD in Geriatrics course in future, mould more experts in this field, and launch geriatrics department in more hospitals, the Minister said in a statement on Thursday.
At present, elderly patients at MCH were treated by the medicine department. With the launch of the geriatric department, they would be able to get treatment under one umbrella. Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with diseases and care of old people — changes in the body as one grows old and how these affect health are identified and treated. Along with this, mental health support too would be provided to them so that they can lead healthy and comfortable lives.
Better quality of life
Besides early identification of health problems among the elderly and their treatment, special care too was needed, especially in cases of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and osteoporosis. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation required for the elderly to recover from disease or injury were a part of it. Palliative care at houses itself would be its part. The geriatric department would help the elderly recover from illness physically and mentally and improve the quality of their lives, the statement said.
Geriatric care would be available at the multi-specialty block. Two wards for intensive care, out-patient wing, physiotherapy, and classroom are available here. With the realisation of the geriatric department, elderly health care would see a huge transformation, the statement said.