To ensure hassle-free travel for students, a private bus service initiative was launched in Alappuzha on Wednesday. A joint initiative of the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) and the Motor Vehicles department (MVD), it was inaugurated by Principal District and Sessions Judge K.K. Balakrishnan by handing over the student-friendly bus service sticker to District Collector Alex Varghese in a function held at Alappuzha Collectorate.
Terming it a first-of-its-kind initiative in the State, officials said that student-friendly stickers prepared by the DLSA would be pasted on all private buses. “The initiative aims at ensuring that students face no inconvenience while travelling on private buses. In the first phase, stickers will be pasted on buses conducting services in Alappuzha town. The stickers specify that students are entitled to a concession on private buses from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. The buses will be monitored for a year, and those that comply will be rewarded on Republic Day,” said an official.
Civil Judge and DLSA secretary Pramod Murali, Regional Transport Officer A. K. Dilu and others attend the programme.
Published - September 04, 2024 08:37 pm IST