Actor Prem Kumar assumed office as interim chairman of the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy on Thursday. Mr .Kumar who has been vice-chairman of the academy since 2022 was appointed interim chairman recently following the resignation of Ranjith in the wake of the sexual harassment case against him.
Addressing the media after taking charge, Mr. Kumar said he was not so happy to replace his dear friend Ranjith and hoped his predecessor would return to the post after proving his innocence. Listing his immediate priorities, he said the 2022 Television Lifetime Achievement awards and the 2023 J.C. Daniel award would be announced this month.
He added that the government was working on the K. Hema Committee’s recommendation to set up a tribunal to address the issues faced by women in the Malayalam film industry. Highlighting the need to address the issues faced by women other than actors in the cinema field, he said a training programme for a selected few capable women had already been launched. “The academy is working to ensure that the film industry becomes a women- friendly workplace,” he said.
Mr. Kumar said he would fulfil the task assigned to him with commitment and transparency and uphold the democratic traditions of the Chalachitra Academy.
Published - September 05, 2024 08:51 pm IST