The latest work of sculptor Kanayi Kunhiraman, coming up at the courtyard of the Kottayam Public Library (KPL), will be unveiled on Sunday. Akshara Shilpam — the concrete, steel, stainless steel and tiles sculpture compilation — will be dedicated to the ‘Land of Letters’ by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy.
Speaking to media persons along with the managing committee members of the KPL, the artist said the sculpture was the result of his attempt to bring back the sanctity of ‘Vidyarambham’, a celebration unique to the State. “A child should get his or her first lessons through the mother so that the term mother tongue is rendered meaningful,” Mr. Kunhiraman said. “She is the mother, teacher and the Devi for the child,” he said, explaining the sculpture that depicts a child sitting on the lap of the mother, imbibing the first lesions of life.
Adjacent to the main sculpture is the ‘Akshara Muttom’, a platform where ‘Vidhyarambham’ ceremony could be organised.
Next in the sculpture complex is the steel piece, ‘Vanarodhanam’, depicting the degradation of the environment.
The third component in the compilation is a contemporary work of art, ‘Sooryavattom’ made of stainless steel. The complex also has a fourth installation that mainly focuses on the evolution of Malayalam script.
Published - May 30, 2015 12:00 am IST