Karnataka Assembly Speaker Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri on Sunday said he would explore the possibility of earmarking two days in the legislature session commencing from Monday in Belagavi for exclusive discussion on issues specifically pertaining to North Karnataka region.
At an interactive meeting with mediapersons at the Suvarna Soudha here on Sunday, Mr. Kageri said he had received requests from many MLAs to take up for discussion issues specific to North Karnataka region. “I will discuss the matter in the Business Advisory Committee meeting scheduled just before the commencement of the proceedings on Monday and try to explore the possibility to earmark two days for this matter,” he noted.
At the same time, Mr. Kageri said the legislature session would have to discuss the problems of the people of the entire Karnataka and expressed confidence that the Government would respond to the issues raised by the Opposition.
He said the session was being held in the Suvarna Soudha after nearly three years owing to COVID-19. “I am happy that officials have risen to the occasion and made all arrangements,” the Speaker said. On the decision of several organisations to stage demonstrations during the session, Mr. Kageri said he expected the Government to respond to their demands.
Published - December 13, 2021 01:53 am IST