The State government on Friday constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT), headed by Additional Director-General of Police, Manish Kharbikar of the Economic Offences division of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to probe the alleged multi-crore scam in the government-run Maharshi Valmiki Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation.
The other members of the SIT are IPS officers Shivaprakash Devaraju (DCP, South traffic division, Bengaluru), Hariram Shankar (Superintendent of Police- Intelligence), and Raghavendra K. Hegde (Superintendent of Police, CID, Bengaluru).
P. Chandrashekaran, 48, working as accounts superintendent at the corporation’s office in Bengaluru, ended his life at his residence in Shivamogga on Sunday, alleging the role of senior officers in the diversion of the corporation’s funds.
The BJP has been demanding the resignation of Minister for Scheduled Tribes Welfare B. Nagendra, stating that death note also implicated him.
Criminal cases
With regard to the death of the employee of the corporation, the order said criminal cases had been registered at Vinoba Nagar police station in Shivamogga and the High Grounds police station in Benglauru. The SIT would handle both criminal cases and probe the alleged diversion of funds from the corporation, the order said.
Earlier, the government had asked the CID to conduct the probe into the death of the corporation employee and the alleged financial irregularities there.
High command briefed
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar are believed to have briefed the party high command on the alleged diversion of funds from the corporation.
The government is likely to take a decision on the matter based on the opinion given by the high command, according to sources.
Mr. Siddaramaiah and Home Minister G. Parameshwara on Friday discussed the issue and reportedly informed the party’s central leaders, including Randeep Singh Surjewala, general secretary in charge of Karnataka.
The Opposition’s demand for the Minister’s resignation is likely to be discussed during the Congress Legislature Party meeting on Sunday.
Already, the government has suspended two senior officers of the corporation. Following allegations of involvement of Union Bank of India officials in the fraud, the bank, meanwhile, has sought a CBI probe.
Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition R. Ashok, who met the family of the deceased officer in Shivamogga, told reporters that such a big scam could not have taken place without the support of the Minister and Chief Minister and sought a CBI probe.