The Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) has accused the Hindu Jagarana Vedike of fomenting trouble in Srirangapatna and wanted the local authorities to ensure peace in the town.
Addressing a press conference in the city on Saturday, SDPI State president Abdul Majid said the vedike activists have made certain claims which has raised fears among the community members over the safety of a place of worship.
He said creating an atmosphere of fear was inimical to harmony in society and wanted the local authorities to crack down on such efforts. The SDPI also wanted the police to register a case on ‘inflammatory’ statements of the vedike members and prosecute the accused.
When contacted, the Srirangapatana police said that the vedike had sought permission for a procession of 20,000 people which was turned down owing to the pandemic. Responding to the claims over a place of worship, the local police said a similar statement was issued a few years ago and a case had already been booked against the accused and there was no threat to any place of worship.
Published - December 11, 2021 10:58 pm IST