Minister in charge of Mysuru district H.C. Mahadevappa on Wednesday told the 19 sub-committees to make better preparations for Mysuru Dasara-2024 with the high-power committee headed by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah resolving for a grand celebration this year. The grand and successful Dasara should be the focus of the committees who can make the preparations for the celebrations as decided by the government, he added.
Presiding over the meeting of the Dasara sub-committees at the palace here, he said the celebrations have to be very well planned and added that the tableaux that are going to be the part of the Dasara procession must portray the State’s rich culture and traditions. In this regard, the committees have to work towards ensuring that the celebrations are true to the traditions.
The Minister said the tableau must spread a message to the people, coming with different themes for the occasion.
As the farmers are our backbones, efforts have to be made to make the farmers’ Dasara meaningful and informative to the farmers. A lot of subsidies are available to farmers and modern farm equipment for use in agriculture. Information on these must get attention at the Raitha Dasara, he suggested.
Mr. Mahadevappa said a lot of farmers are leasing out their lands for ginger cultivation. Due to the present-day practices followed in ginger cultivation, the soil was losing its fertility and the land may not be in a position to produce crops after ginger cultivation. Awareness on such subjects must be passed on to the farmers, providing them relevant data from the experts, he advised.
With regard to the Dasara Sports, sportspersons from across the State participate in the events and proper arrangements such as accommodation, food and so on have to made, he said, adding that the cultural events must also feature our folk traditions and the selection of artistes for the cultural events has to be transparent. Local artists must get priority in the celebrations.
He told the organisers to ensure hygiene during the Dasara food festival.
The Minister also told the MCC to fill up the potholes across the city ahead of the festivities.
Deputy Commissioner and Dasara Special Officer G. Lakshmikanth Reddy and other senior officials were present during the meeting.
Published - September 04, 2024 08:01 pm IST