Hyderabad Karnataka and parts of Mumbai Karnataka and Central Karnataka region continued to reel under a severe heat wave with the mercury breaching the 40.6 degrees Celsius mark in Kalaburagi city as per the summary of observations recorded by the India Meteorological Department at 8.30 a.m. on Sunday.
Sources told The Hindu here that the State’s maximum temperature of 40.6 degrees Celsius was recorded in Kalaburagi on Sunday.
Ballari recorded a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Koppal and Raichur recorded an identical maximum temperature of 39 degrees Celsius.
Bagalkot also continued to be under a heat wave spell with a maximum temperature of 37.4 degrees Celsius, while Vijayapura recorded a maximum temperature of 37.2 degrees Celsius. Kalaburagi also recorded the highest minimum temperature of 25.3 degrees Celsius.
Published - March 25, 2019 12:55 am IST