The 10th edition of Wipro Bengaluru Marathon on Sunday saw 25,000 enthusiasts hit the track. However, all eyes were on 18 participants with special needs. AThlete Unleashed, a segment by AssisTech Foundation (ATF) showcases the power of Assisted Technology (AT) in making running inclusive for the very first time in the history of marathon in India. To create a supportive environment, professionals from various organizations ran alongside the participants as buddy runners. Supported by state-of-the-art-technology, the participants began the 5k run at Kanteerava Stadium.
AThlete Unleashed was flagged off by Deepa Malik, India’s First Female Paralympic Athlete and the President of the Paralympic Committee of India. Speaking on the need to revolutionize the marathon landscape by empowering disabled participants, Ms. Malik said“AThlete Unleashed is recognizing the transformative power of breaking down barriers and embracing tech innovation for people with disabilities. As President of the Paralympic Committee of India, I wholeheartedly commend the AssisTech Foundation & Wipro Bengaluru Marathon for their unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals with disabilities.“
“Moreover, as the Indian Contingent prepares to represent our nation in the Paris Paralympics 2024, events like these become more than just milestones; they exemplify our dedication to nurturing talent, breaking barriers, and creating a future where every Indian athlete, regardless of ability, can shine on the global stage”, Ms. Malik added.
The role of Assistive Technology during the event was demonstrated by start-ups pioneering disability inclusion through tech innovation including providing personalised wheelchair and motorized add-ons for independent outdoor mobility for locomotor disabilities, developing a bionic arm for arm amputees, providing real-time Indian sign language interpretation for the deaf, providing sensory kits for people with intellectual disabilities and providing smart vision glasses for people with visual impairment.
Speaking on the occasion, Prateek Madhav, Co-founder and CEO, AssisTech said, “AThlete Unleashed is illuminating a larger narrative of inclusivity through tech innovation. We are igniting the belief that ‘Everyone has the ability to change disability’, driven by AT innovation, Entrepreneurship, ecosystem collaboration, and technology for good that ultimately empowers every person with a disability. Let’s collectively foster entrepreneurship and innovation, not just for the benefit of a few, but for the empowerment of all. With this vision, ATF has a mission to positively impact five million people with disabilities in the next three years. Let’s turn disabilities into abilities, one stride at a time”
Published - October 10, 2023 09:30 am IST