Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday said the government has constituted a one-man judicial commission to conduct a probe into the alleged MUDA scam. “There is no black spot in my four decade-long political career,” he said, lashing out at the BJP and its coalition partner JD(S) for their padayatra plan from Bengaluru to Mysuru over the alleged scam in MUDA.
Speaking to reporters in Mysuru, he said the BJP, when it was in power, did not order a single judicial inquiry. “During the pandemic, there were allegations of irregularities to the tune of several crores of rupees. I had demanded a judicial probe or handing over the probe to the CBI. The then BJP government neither ordered a judicial probe nor transferred the case to the CBI,” the CM said.
“Though I have not done anything wrong with regard to the allotment of sites by MUDA, I decided to get the allegations probed by the judicial commission to clear doubts from the minds of the public,” he replied.
When asked whether he was hurt over the allegations made against him by the Opposition, Mr. Siddaramaiah said, “If I had done anything wrong, I would have been displeased. But I have done nothing wrong. The BJP leaders are experts in spreading lies and blackmailing. What ideology does the BJP have? The BJP is against social justice, secularism, democracy and constitution,” he charged.
Mr. Siddaramaiah said Union Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy got an industrial site in Mysuru in 1984. He took possession of the land and later sought an alternative site. “Has he (Mr. Kumaraswamy) started any industry on the site,” he asked.
“During the time of CITB (before it was renamed as MUDA), how many sites had been allotted to the family of former Prime Minsiter H.D. Deve Gowda during the tenure of Mr. Puttaiah,” he asked.