The Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights has taken up a suo moto case against a couple who photographed their child wearing clothes with the Under Trial Prisoner (UTP) number 6106 given to actor Darshan. The actor is in jail in the Renukaswamy murder case. The photograph went viral on social media.
A sources said that two such cases have been reported in Bengaluru city and Bengaluru rural district. The commission filed a complaint with the Superintendent of Police, cybercrime, to investigate the matter thoroughly and take action against those who made the photograph viral on social media, and submit a report to the commission.
“A fan of Darshan photographed his child dressed in jail clothes along with the UTP number 6106, and made the photo viral. We do not call children accused or criminals even if they do wrong without knowing it. We call them children in conflict with the law. We should provide good environment to the children and should not impose our likes/dislikes on them,” the commission said in a letter.
After Darshan was sent to jail in the murder case, his nicknames, movie dialogues, UTP and barrack number went viral on social media. Some hardcore fans are getting them tattooed on their bodies and as stickers on their vehicles. Some film producers have even registered these as movie titles with the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce.
Speaking to The Hindu, K. Naganna Gowda, chairperson of the commission, said: “It is not right for children who have done nothing wrong to wear clothes with UTP numbers and have their photographs taken. It is not right that it has gone viral on social media. Therefore, a suo moto case has been filed against the couple.” “After the cybercrime police’s report, summons will be served to the parents,” he added.
Shashidhar Kosambi, member of the commission, said: “This is a clear violation of Section 74 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015. According to this section, disclosure of identity of children is prohibited. So, no one can display, publicise, or use the privacy of a child. As soon as the parents are found, we will summon them and investigate thoroughly. If the charge is proved, six months imprisonment or ₹2 lakh penalty or both may be imposed. The public should be sensitive when it comes to the matter of children; displaying, broadcasting, sharing and saving such posts is an offence.”