Amid speculations that the BJP and the Janata Dal (S) may take legal recourse against Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on the issue pertaining to the alleged fraudulent allotment of sites to land-losers by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA), the Chief Minister met Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot on Wednesday and apprised him the details of the case.
Sources said the Governor had sought a detailed report from the Chief Secretary on the MUDA controversy, which also involves plots given to the Chief Minister’s wife Parvathi.
The Opposition has also been raising the issue of multi-crore scam in the Karnataka Maharshi Valmiki Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation Ltd.
Sources in the Chief Minister’s office said Mr. Siddaramaiah met the Governor to discuss pending Bills and also to apprise him about developments related to MUDA and Valmiki scams.
The meeting came on a day when the MUDA issue rocked both Houses of the State legislature.