Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday lashed out at the BJP and RSS, and equated them with “extremists” ( ugragaami ) for fomenting tension and disharmony in society.
Speaking to reporters at Chamarajanagar on Wednesday, Mr. Siddaramaiah said the BJP-RSS-VHP and Bajrang Dal were akin to extremists “in a way”. “But the government will not tolerate any activity of any organisation that promotes tension in society,” he added.
He said the government would initiate action against anyone who foments communal disharmony, be it the RSS or the PFI. When questioned whether he would recommend banning any organisation, he was ambivalent, saying, “Let us see once we get proof.”
He said, “Even I am a Hindu, but have not used it for political gains. They have started Hindutva, but my Hinduism is one with a humane face and theirs is one devoid of it. That is the difference between us and the BJP,” he added. He lashed out at the BJP and questioned their contribution to the socio-economic development of the Dalits and the other socially backward sections of society.
Published - January 11, 2018 01:33 am IST