A large posse of BJP workers, led by State president B. Y. Vijayendra, heading to Mysuru in a convoy of vehicles to lay siege to the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) office, were stopped at Kaniminike, Kumbalagodu by the Bengaluru police. The convoy comprised over 600 cars and would have disrupted traffic, police claimed.
Mr. Vijayendra and other BJP workers blocked the road at Kaniminike in protest against being prevented by the government of Karnataka and police from going to Mysuru.
“The Chief Minister is resorting to using force to suppress democratic protests against the multiple scams of this government. This government has misused SC-ST funds for Lok Sabha polls. Former minister B. Nagendra is already arrested by the ED. The Chief Minister is also accused of corruption. He should order a CBI probe into the MUDA scam and resign,” Mr. Vijayendra said.
BJP accuses MUDA of allotting alternate site to the wife of the Chief Minister, in compensation for acquisition of her land, contrary to rules to enable her to benefit from a windfall.