Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday said International Democracy Day will be celebrated in all districts and taluks on September 15 and a 2,500-km-long human chain would be formed from Anubhava Mantapa at Basavakalyan to Chamarajanagar to create awareness about the Constitution and democracy.
The Chief Minister held a meeting with Ministers and officials and suggested that the Social Welfare Department, in collaboration with various departments, would celebrate International Democracy Day by reading the Preamble of the Constitution. About 2,500-km-long human chain would be formed from the northern to the southern part of the State. He called upon all organisations, associations, and political parties to actively participate in this programme.
About 10 lakh saplings would be planted as a part of the programme. The Chief Minister suggested the appointment of Padma Shri award winner Harekala Hajabba as the brand ambassador for this event. About 25 lakh people are estimated to participate in the programme.
The Chief Minister released the logo to mark the day and website of International Democracy Day. Social Welfare Minister and organising committee vice-chairman H.C Mahadevappa and senior officers were present.
Published - September 05, 2024 09:34 pm IST