The Karnataka Arya Vysya Community Development Corporation will provide a subsidy of up to ₹2 lakh per vehicle for starting business with food trucks in different parts of the State. Members of the Arya Vysya community are involved in the food business.
At a press conference in Bengaluru on Thursday, Revenue Minister R. Ashok said the subsidy would be given to purchase 50 trucks/vehicles by youth, both male and female, under the ‘Arya Vvsya Ahara Vahini’ scheme. Interested candidates aged between 21 and 55 could submit online applications for availing the subsidy.
With low investments and minimal risks involved, food trucks are now becoming the popular choice for opening a restaurant business, especially for first-time restaurateurs in urban areas.
Already, ₹21 crore had been disbursed for the welfare of the community members and recovery of loan was more than 90%, Mr. Ashok said.