Karnataka has allegedly witnessed 13 ‘honour killings’ in 10 cases since 2011, the latest being the murder of K.M. Monica (19) at Thimmana Hosuru village in Mandya district. Monica was allegedly killed by her father, Mohan Bevooragowda, with help from relatives for eloping with a Dalit boy.
While statistics at the State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) confirm the number of cases in Karnataka as 10 since 2011, activists say many such incidents go unreported as the deaths are often described as “suicide”.
The 13 killed for “bringing disrepute to families” included a four-month-old boy. None of the cases has reached conviction so far.
Of the reported cases, three alleged ‘honour killing’ incidents were in Mandya and the accused in two other cases (in Mysuru and Hassan) were arrested in Mandya. While Ramanagaram district registered two incidents, one each was reported in Anekal, Hesaraghatta, Dharwad, Mysuru, and Hassan.
Mandya district has been gaining notoriety for such killings and atrocities against women owing to the existence of “caste pride and entrenched feudal practices,” said L. Sandesh, president, D. Devaraj Urs Backward Classes Forum.
Cases of rape, molestation, honour killing, and acid attacks are on the rise. Establishing fast-track courts or special courts is the need of the hourManjula Manasa,Chairperson, Karnataka State Commission for Women
Published - April 06, 2016 12:00 am IST