Jalandhar District Election Officer Himanshu Aggarwal on July 8 said indelible ink would be applied on the middle finger of the left hand of voters instead of the index finger during the July 10 bypoll to the Jalandhar West reserve Assembly constituency.
This change has come in view of the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections during which the index fingers were marked with the ink.
Mr. Aggarwal said the Election Commission has clarified that during the bypolls, the indelible ink will be applied on the middle finger of the left hand after voting.
All polling staff have been instructed to adhere to this new directive to ensure a smooth voting process and to avoid any inconvenience for voters, he said in an official statement.
"We are committed to making the voting experience as seamless as possible for everyone," said Mr. Aggarwal.
The Jalandhar West Assembly seat fell vacant after Sheetal Angural resigned as an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legislator.
The bypoll to the Jalandhar West Assembly constituency will be held from 7 a.m. till 6 p.m. on July 10 and the votes will be counted on July 13.