Maharashtra Home Minister R.R. Patil told journalists on Monday that journalist Jyotirmoy Dey was killed probably because he was thought to have shared information about one gang with a rival group, according to the accused in the case.Dey's alleged killers, arrested by the Mumbai police, are from the gang of underworld don Chhota Rajan. Rajan, allegedly holed up in Bangkok, had given orders for Dey's killing on June 11. A month later, the first arrests were made and so far, 10 persons have been booked. Rajan is said to be the main conspirator in the case.
In response to a question, Mr. Patil said the motive would be clearer when the charge sheet was filed. He said that judging by Dey's poor financial condition, he could not have been making any money on the side.
He emphasised that it was his articles and the information he had that led to his death. Earlier, Mr. Patil had said the government would ask the Central Bureau of Investigation to issue a Red Corner Notice against Rajan in connection with Dey's death.
Published - September 26, 2011 11:35 pm IST