Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said India and Japan faced a common challenge in preserving and building smart heritage cities.
After meeting Kyoto’s Mayor Daisaku Kadokawa, the Prime Minister said that he had learnt how the city was dealing with civic issues.
In a brief message written in Hindi, Mr. Modi, MP from Varanasi, said Japan and India needed to work together in developing their heritage cities.
Meets Nobel laureateMr. Modi, who visited the heritage Toji temple on Sunday morning, met Nobel laureate in medicine Prof. Shimna Yamanaka, and discussed a possible remedy for sickle cell anaemia prevalent in India.
Mr. Kadokawa, who called on Mr. Modi at his Kyoto hotel, told the Prime Minister that the city had the lowest per capita garbage generation in Japan.
When Mr. Kadokawa referred to the Kyoto city museum, the Prime Minister inquired whether it was a digital facility. Mr. Kadokawa also informed the Prime Minister that the city was going to become poster-free from Sunday.
The last poster from public walls was to be pulled down on Sunday, Mr. Modi heard from the Mayor.
Published - September 01, 2014 03:20 am IST