BJP leader and former Union Minister Arun Jaitley was admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on August 9 morning. He is under medical care at the Cardiothoracic and Neurosciences Centre of the hospital.
According to an AIIMS statement, Mr. Jaitely, who is under the care of a team of doctors, is haemodynamically stable.“Hemodynamics refers to the forces the heart has to develop to maintain blood flow through the cavities of the heart and all the blood vessels. Stable blood flow provides a steady supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs in the body," explained a doctor in New Delhi. The former Finance Minister was admitted with complaints of weakness and uneasiness.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other BJP leaders including Amit Shah and Harsh Vardhan visited the hospital.
Published - August 09, 2019 07:42 pm IST