The Delhi High Court on July 23 directed X Corp and Google Inc to remove prima facie defamatory social media posts against Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) officer and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla’s daughter Anjali Birla.
Justice Navin Chawla also restrained unknown parties from directly or indirectly posting, circulating, communicating, tweeting or retweeting the alleged defamatory content mentioned by Anjali Birla in her defamation suit.
The high court said the social media posts shall be removed by the intermediaries within 24 hours, and in case the plaintiff comes to know of any other similar posts, she shall inform X and Google about it.
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The high court also issued notice to X, Google, Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and unknown parties on the suit and asked them to respond within four weeks.
The officer has sought directions to take down social media posts which have alleged that she cleared the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam in her very first attempt because of her father's influence.
Her counsel submitted that she had appeared for the UPSC, Central Services Exam (CSE) and she was selected in the consolidated reserve list of 2019. She joined Indian Railways as an IRPS officer.