Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said India was taking all possible steps to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as responding to calls for help from other countries.
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“Today, India is making every effort to save the life of every Indian and is also fulfilling its global obligations equally seriously,” he said.
Mr. Modi was delivering the keynote address during a virtual Buddha Purnima celebration organised by the Culture Ministry and the International Buddhist Confederation.
He said the teachings of Buddha were more relevant today as the world went through an upheaval. “The message and resolve to remove the difficulty of every life have always shown direction to India’s civilization and culture. Lord Buddha has further enriched this culture of India...Buddha is synonymous with service and dedication...And look at the good fortune of all of us, at this time we are seeing many people around us who serve others, treat a patient, feed a poor person, clean a hospital, maintain law and order on a road... they are all working round the clock. In India, outside India, every such person deserves a salute, a tribute.”
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Buddha’s teachings were “even more relevant” today when there was “turmoil in the world”, he noted and and cited those related to mercy, compassion and acceptance.
“You are also seeing today that India is standing firmly in selflessness, without any distinction, with the person in distress, both in the country and throughout the world. Beyond the profit and loss, able and unable, for us, this hour of crisis is to help others as much as possible to forward the hand of help,” he said.