Union Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office V. Narayanasamy on Tuesday said the 1,000-MWe unit of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant would reach the full capacity and start commercial operation in about 20 days.
The power output would be raised to 350 MW in the next three days after a series of tests and then to 500 MW over the subsequent five days.
On reaching 500 MW, the plant would then be inspected by officials of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and power output be consequently raised to 750 MW, 900 MW and finally 1,000 MW in stages.
Synchronisation of the first unit to the grid comes even as negotiations between India and Russia over the proposed third and fourth units are stuck over the issue of applicability of liabilities in case of an accident.
Published - October 23, 2013 02:49 am IST