The BJP on June 19 (Thursday) declared that the Union government was “fully alert and sensitive over NEET exam” concerns and was resolved to take strict action against those responsible for paper leaks in competitive and government recruitment exams, urging Congress leader Rahul Gandhi not to “politicise” the issue.
BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi was addressing a press conference after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi hit out at the government’s handling of competitive exams amid protests by student groups outside the Ministry of Education over the issue.
‘Don’t play politics’
“The government is resolved and won’t let any injustice happen to lakhs of students who are taking these exams. Strict action will be taken against those who are responsible for this. Rahul Gandhi has nothing to do with the future of lakhs of students, he just wants to play his politics on this topic,” Mr. Trivedi said. “The Supreme Court is hearing the matter on NEET, and the government will be acting on the Court’s directions as well, as is its duty. Please don’t try to prove yourself bigger than the SC,” he added.
He urged the Congress, which heads governments in several States, to “behave responsibly” with regard to governance. “Rahul Gandhi should respond on why, despite more than a dozen and a half cases of paper leaks under the Gehlot government in Rajasthan, nothing was done,” Mr. Trivedi added.
He also asked the Congress to answer the questions raised by thousands of women who rushed to Congress offices on the false promises of guarantee cards, and questions regarding consulting companies being given contracts to spread the word about these guarantees.
Published - June 20, 2024 09:24 pm IST